San Lorenzo Ruiz Fiesta Celebration
You are cordially invited to a Solemn Mass & Fiesta Celebration to honor our first Filipino Patron Saint: Lorenzo Ruiz.
You are cordially invited to a Solemn Mass & Fiesta Celebration to honor our first Filipino Patron Saint: Lorenzo Ruiz.
Forming Missional Disciples is more than icebreakers and activities. It requires focused efforts of formation and hands-on training to apprentice young people into the life and mission of Christ and His Church. In this session we will look at the parish organizational structures and support systems necessary to design and implement a multi-faceted ministry that… Continue reading Webinar– A New Mission In Catholic Youth Ministry
Much of our time and efforts is spent on soul care and spiritual formation of others. But how do we, as ministers, open OUR minds hearts and bodies to create space for God? Near-spiritual experiences are not enough.Mike has worked in ministry settings since 1984, first as a high school teacher and coach, and then… Continue reading Webinar–Spirituality Once-Removed
2018 Holiday Craft Fair and Bake SaleOctober 27-28, 2018 Our Lady of Snows Parish Center 1200 S. Arlington Reno, NV. Vendors Wanted! Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Gift Items… Continue reading Our Lady of Snows Craft Fair
El Fin de Semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial es una experiencia especial. Los matrimonios que viven el Fin de Semana descubre como renovar la pasión en su relación y como mantener su amor creciendo día a día. Los invitamos a ser parte de una experiencia, que estamos seguros, cambiara sus vidas.
Pre-Cana (Programa de Preparación para el Matrimonio Católico) es para preparar a las parejas comprometidas y parejas casadas para el Sacramento de Matrimonio. Colabora en la formación de Matrimonios y Familias Cristianas. Si necesitan tomar la clase favor de inscribirse lo más pronto posible o llamar al número (775) 326-9415 para más información.
Pre-Cana (Programa de Preparación para el Matrimonio Católico) es para preparar a las parejas comprometidas y parejas casadas para el Sacramento de Matrimonio. Colabora en la formación de Matrimonios y Familias Cristianas. Si necesitan tomar la clase favor de inscribirse lo más pronto posible o llamar al número (775) 326-9415 para más información.
An interfaith leadership summit hosted by the Nevada interfaith Association of Northern Nevada. The day will provide training in how to be effective communicators, training on the art of civil discourse, and network with social justice agencies on how young people can use their gifts to better our communities. More information and registration coming soon!
Building Intercultural Competence for Ministers
A Training of Trainers Program!
Hosted by the Diocese of Reno - Office of Ethnic Ministry
Speakers provided by
Committee on Cultural Diversity–USCCB