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Diocese of Reno

Chinese (Simplified)

☏ (775) 329 – 9274

📍290 S. Arlington Ave., Reno, NV 89501

Welcome Seminarian Jacob Means

Welcome Seminarian Jacob Means! From Bishop Daniel H. Mueggenborg I’m happy to announce we recently accepted a new seminarian for our great diocese! Jacob Means lives in Winnemucca and is… Continue reading Welcome Seminarian Jacob Means

Uplift Your Priest – April 17-28, 2023

Uplift Your Priest Our priests are being called into great heroic action, all while pouring out an overabundant amount of love and support for all of us. It’s a great… Continue reading Uplift Your Priest – April 17-28, 2023

State of Priestly Vocations Report

State of Priestly Vocations Vocation Ministry, founded in 2015, spent countless hours producing this study in hopes of achieving a better understanding of the current state of vocations to the… Continue reading State of Priestly Vocations Report

Be With Us On Easter

We Welcome You!

Be With Us On Easter This Holy Week, we remember Jesus’ sacrifice and give thanks for what he brought to our world. Bishop Daniel Mueggenborg invites you to attend Mass this… Continue reading Be With Us On Easter

Holy Week April 2nd – April 9th 2023

Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, the day Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey. On this day, we celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into the city. It is a time to… Continue reading Holy Week April 2nd – April 9th 2023

40th Annual Diocesan Conference Jan 6-7, 2023: The Eucharist

40th Annual Diocesan Conference Jan 6-7, 2023: The Eucharist Attend the 40th Annual Diocesan Conference and celebrate your faith as a Catholic! Since 1983 the Diocese of Reno has held an Annual… Continue reading 40th Annual Diocesan Conference Jan 6-7, 2023: The Eucharist

Catholic Services Appeal Update

Catholic Services Appeal 2022 Update Catholic Services Appeal Contributions for 2022 Summary as of November 9, 2022   2022 Catholic Services Appeal Goal: $1,720,562.00 Number of pledges received – 3,781… Continue reading Catholic Services Appeal Update

Advent Reconciliation Services

Advent Reconciliation Services St. Therese Little Flower on December 13th (Tuesday) at 7pm St. Francis of Assisi on December 15th (Thursday) at 5:30pm St. Paul on December 15th (Thursday) at… Continue reading Advent Reconciliation Services

Reflections on Advent, Marina Hedwall, Faith Formation Ministry- Advent Calendar and Ideas

  Reflections on Advent, Marina Hedwall The Advent Season is all about reflecting on how we can prepare our hearts and homes on the message of hope that Christ’s birth brings.… Continue reading Reflections on Advent, Marina Hedwall, Faith Formation Ministry- Advent Calendar and Ideas