Office of the Bishop
PHONE: 775-326-9428
FAX: 775-372-6235
June 11, 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Grace and Peace in Jesus Christ!
It is my desire that as many youth as possible receive the gift of the Holy Spirit as they pass through adolescence into adulthood. I trust that is your desire as well. Because of this, I have reconsidered the age of Confirmation in the Diocese of Reno.
After much prayer, I have decided in consultation with the Priests Council, parish Directors of
Religious Education and Youth Ministers that the normal age of Confirmation in the Diocese of Reno will move from tenth grade or the equivalentage to seventh grade or the equivalent age. In making this change, we are joining a growing trend of dioceses who are doing the same.
The Office of Faith Formation and Evangelization, under the leadership of Marina Hedwall, will support our parishes and families during this transition. The change will allow for family centered faith formation, where parents will have a greater role in the formation of their children. This journey will encourage the domestic church to learn and grow in their faith together.
In order to help our parishes with this transition process, the Reno Diocese Confirmation Policies are being revised. The principle changes described are as follows:
I am grateful to our pastors, parish staff, and Confirmation coordinators who shared their time, feedback and initiative during the consultation and planning process. I am confident that this enhancement of the faith formation of the domestic Church and the parish at large will bear spiritual fruit in both our homes and in our diocese.
I pray that God continues to bless your families, ministries, and mission so that as many of our young people as possible may receive the grace of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
With every best wish and an assurance of prayer, I remain,